Garden project: Create an Urban Hedgerow

I stumbled on The Urban Hedgerow Project recently. Hedgerow is one of those words you may have probably encountered if you read the right sort of children's books, the sort of children's books where small English children roamed the countryside having adventures or maybe the sort of book where small English creatures roamed the countryside and had adventures. A hedgerow is a "A hedge of wild shrubs and trees, typically bordering a road or field." It's a gathering place, if you will, for all the small animals and insects that need a place to live but can't live where people live and work. Mice and bunnies and bees and ants are often considered pests but not only are they super cute, they need to live as well. In urban environments these creatures are considered even more pesty and unacceptable than the country or suburbs.Here's a description of The Uban Hedgerow Project.

The Urban Hedgerow makes space for the feelings and thoughts that urban wild animals and plants provoke. Instead of a row of trees, we are exploring wall-mounted vertical forms that will comprise varied substrates, from repurposed industrial components like plastic tubing and lumber discards, to habitat for indigenous plants—hosts to indigenous fauna.

This project is parts art, political and environmental statement and is very thought provoking and beautiful.The first time I ever saw anything like this is was some instructions on how to make a wild bee habitat. I can't find the exact one I remember but The Consensus Life has a nice couple of tutorials here.Here is an Instructable for another kind of bee habitat.and.. another one from the National Wildlife Foundation.But this basic idea can spawn a ton of similar projects. For instance, what if all you have is a porch or you are allergic to bees and don't want to risk getting stung. You can still create a fun project for your kid and I love this Insect Habitat from a shoebox idea from Indietutes. Simple and fun for a little!Read more about the idea of urban hedgerows at Pacific Horticulture.